UL Field Evaluations: The Importance of Independent Testing


UL field evaluations are an important part of the modern compliance ecosystem. The field evaluation process helps companies and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) ensure that major systems and pieces of equipment are safe and operating as intended.

A field evaluation can be requested by a customer who is purchasing the equipment, or an AHJ like a city inspector, utility, or government agency. A Field Evaluation Body (FEB) is responsible for conducting an on-site inspection of the equipment to determine if it is compliant in this application and location. If the equipment in question successfully passes the field evaluation, a field label is applied to demonstrate compliance and any “red tag” is removed.

The independent testing offered by a UL field evaluation is helpful in several situations:

The equipment was moved to a different location

If the equipment is certified or UL Listed to be used in one setting, and later is moved to a different location, the original approval can be invalidated. For a company that is rearranging equipment within a facility or moving into a new industrial facility, getting the equipment recertified or relisted takes time and costs money. A UL field evaluation is often a quicker and more affordable way to demonstrate that the equipment conforms to all applicable safety, EMC, and environmental standards in the new location, as it did in the original location.

The equipment was modified in some way

If a piece of certified or UL-listed equipment is modified, retrofitted, or partially replaced, it will invalidate the original certification or listing. This is common for switchgear; if bus taps are made on the line or load side of the main circuit breaker, the switchgear has been modified and requires a field inspection or recertification.

The equipment is imported or obtained secondhand

If equipment is manufactured in one place, subject to a certain set of standards, and then used in another place with a unique set of standards, there are differences to work out. Also, a piece of equipment purchased secondhand is not guaranteed to meet all the requirements of the location in which the equipment will be used. A UL field evaluation is a cost-effective and time-effective way to demonstrate to the AHJs in the target region that the equipment meets all relevant requirements.

Keep in mind: it’s helpful to work with a compliance professional from the beginning of the process. A professional who is familiar with international compliance standards and the overlap between them can help you identify the right options for equipment exporters and resellers.

The equipment is red-tagged for any reason

If equipment fails inspection or is determined to be non-compliant for any reason, an AHJ can apply a red tag. To remove the red tag and use the equipment again, it must pass inspection by a Field Evaluation Body (FEB) that is acceptable to the AHJ.

Note: Always make sure the FEB you have in mind will be accepted by the AHJ that red-tagged the equipment. Many AHJs look for an FEB that is accredited by a reputable organization like International Accreditation Services.

Contact G&M Compliance to discuss UL field evaluations

G&M Compliance can help you navigate the entire UL field inspection process, from the initial request through the final report and beyond. G&M Compliance is an accredited Field Evaluation Body with extensive experience in product safety for a range of industries.

Contact G&M Compliance for more information about the UL field evaluation process today.