Field Evaluation Body (FEB) Accreditation: What It Means and Why It Matters

A Field Evaluation Body (FEB) is an organization that is authorized to evaluate products in the field according to the relevant product safety standards. When an FBE is accredited, it means that the FEB itself has been evaluated and held to a high standard of excellence.

What does accreditation entail?

Different accreditation bodies have their own accreditation processes and criteria. For one example: International Accreditation Service, a highly regarded accreditation service, includes the following steps in its accreditation process:

     Customer submits an application, including documentation and fees

     IAS reviews the submitted data to ensure basic compliance with applicable criteria

     IAS assigns an assessment team that includes experts on the system, technical aspects, and subject matter

     The assessment team completes an on-site inspection, then an assessment report


By the end of the accreditation process, if the requirements are met and the customer demonstrates technical competence, an accreditation certificate will be awarded.

Accreditation bodies typically accredit a wide range of industries, each of which have their own relevant standards and accreditation criteria. In the case of IAS, Field Evaluation Bodies are evaluated according to NFPA 790, NFPA 791, and IAS AC354®.


Why does Field Evaluation Body accreditation matter?

Simply put, accredited FEBs have passed an important test of competence and reliability. FEBs that earn accreditation have demonstrated that they adhere to the relevant standards, so clients know for certain that their field evaluation team is knowledgeable and competent. Accredited FEBs have also demonstrated that they have the documentation to train their field evaluators appropriately, as well as the internal processes needed to ensure consistency and quality of service.

Here are a few key benefits of working with an accredited FEB:

     Customer confidence - In order to perform its services, an FEB must be knowledgeable, reliable, consistent, and detail-oriented—applicable standards change often, and different products require very different types of evaluation. By going through the accreditation process, an FEB can demonstrate to its customers that it is equipped to do the job well.

     International recognition - Global brands need a field evaluation service that will be recognized and accepted in all international markets by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). By working with an FEB that has an internationally recognized accreditation, companies can work with one accredited body rather than onboarding and paying multiple evaluation companies.

     Business excellence - In addition to the legal and regulatory requirements, the accreditation process improves overall business function. FEBs are in the business of evaluating companies’ product safety compliance, and an accreditation is another type of compliance evaluation. FEBs that go through the accreditation process learn important best practices for efficiency and consistency along the way, as compared to FEBs that are not accredited.


Contact G&M Compliance for a Field Evaluation Today

G&M Compliance is an experienced FEB accredited by the International Accreditation Service (IAS), identifier FEB-117. G&M Compliance has a team of seasoned experts with deep knowledge of the relevant safety specifications and how they should be applied to onsite equipment. We respond quickly to field evaluation and labeling requests, and we can help you determine if a field evaluation is the right fit for your equipment and situation.


Contact G&M Compliance to learn more about the field evaluation process for your product, or request a quote today!