4 Reasons to Outsource EAC Homologation Management

For manufacturers looking to sell products in the Eurasian market, managing the homologation process requires significant time and investment. When certification activities pile up, bottlenecks can occur.

Outsourcing homologation activities can be a helpful way to reduce friction and costs throughout the certification process. Here are four ways your organization can benefit from outsourcing homologation services:

Outsourcing Homologation is More Cost-Effective Over Time

Companies that specialize in homologation management spend a great deal of time streamlining their processes, perfecting their methods, and building valuable relationships with certification bodies in the Eurasian region. This leads to a reduction in costs over time, compared to the cost of a full-time employee.

‘Tribal Knowledge’ is No Longer a Problem

When you handle homologation and certification in-house, you have to rely on one person (or a small group of people) to have all the necessary information and experience. They must understand the end-to-end EAC certification process and be up-to-date on all relevant standards and international requirements for the product.

If the “point person” for Eurasian product certification leaves the organization—taking their key knowledge about the product and certification process with them—the disruption can be significant. On the other hand, when you outsource homologation, this is a non-factor. The homologation partner retains all necessary information to keep the product compliant with Eurasian standards, both today and into the future.

Homologation and Certification Needs Will Vary

EAC certification needs will vary over time. Homologation activities can be very time-consuming when standards are changing, the product is evolving, or existing certifications are expiring. On the flip side, once all necessary certifications are in place, there may be very little certification work to do (until the certification is up for renewal).

This varying time commitment makes it hard to justify a full-time employee for homologation activities. When you outsource homologation activities for EAC certification, you can adjust your commitment level based on demand.

Outsourcing Reduces Risks and Time to Market

When it comes to product certification, there are often many different paths to the same outcome, but they come with different risks and benefits. For example, should you use a single model designation for an entire product line? Should you recertify a product after a revision is made? Should you conduct product testing in X facility or Y?

These decisions, among many others, can have a significant impact on how much it costs and how long it takes to certify the product. In addition, certain approaches may introduce more risk into the certification process.

An experienced homologation partner will look at the big picture—not just where the product is today, but where it is headed in the future—to create a homologation plan that accounts for all elements of the product and has the right balance of risk vs. reward. This requires a deep understanding of the technical requirements of the product category, the product itself, and associated surveillance activities. With a holistic view of certification needs for the product and an appropriate level of risk vs. reward, you can get your product to the Eurasian market faster.

Learn More About the Benefits of Outsourcing Homologation Management

International standards are always evolving. Obtaining and maintaining product compliance in Eurasia requires staying abreast of these changing standards and ensuring products meet up-to-date standards.

G&M Compliance offers comprehensive homologation services for EAC certification. Our certification experts will leverage their collective experience to find the best certification approach for you and your product(s).

Contact G&M Compliance today to learn more about outsourcing homologation management.