CCC Certification of Automobiles and Automotive Parts – What the Process Involves

For automobiles and automotive parts’ manufacturers in the United States, China is an lucrative market.

According to Statista, sales of passenger cars in China have been skyrocketing since 2008. Meaning that there can be a potential business increase in China for the automotive sector.

The Chinese Compulsory Certification (CCC)

The Chinese Compulsory Certification or CCC mark is a safety mark required for importing and selling of goods and products in China. From brake hoses to fuel tanks, most automotive parts require CCC marking. 

Visit G&M Compliance website for a complete list of automotive parts that require certification.

Without CCC mark, the exported products can be held at customs and subjected to large penalties. 
G&M Compliance provides a smart and efficient way to obtain CCC mark. They have created a seamless process to help clients get CCC mark easily. Read on to find what the process involves:

Application Submission

An application to obtain CCC mark needs to be submitted to China Quality Certification Center (CQC) or China Certification Center for Automotive Products (CCAP). These two institutions are tasked with processing applications and approving them.


After the application has been approved by the CCAP or CQC, it is time to carry out testing. G&M Compliance arranges to help for testing a product sample in a reputable laboratory in China. This testing has to be carried out in China.

Initial Factory Inspection

When the laboratory approves the sample, the CCAP or CQC sends a team to inspect the manufacturing operations. This is to ensure that the company is legitimate.

It should be remembered that factory inspection for automotive parts industry can be done before or during the testing phase.

Evaluation of Inspection’s Report

The inspection team creates a report of their visit. This is submitted to the relevant committees of the CCAP/CQC for review.


If the committee finds no discrepancies, they will approve of the report. This means that the mark can now be applied.

Product Marking

Finally, based on CNCA’s rules for your product category, product marking is applied. CCC, in capital letters, ensures your product is ready to hit the Chinese market.     

Follow Up Factory Inspection    

G&M Compliance also offers follow up services. This is especially important as the CCAP/CQC audit the manufacturing site after every 6 to 12 months.

Operating in Beijing since 2004, G&M Compliance allows manufacturers in the automobile sector to obtain CCC mark. Our services are comprehensive and provide a cost-effective way for businesses to thrive in the Chinese landscape.