Modular SRRC Approval - Keeping updated with the recent changes

Technological advancements are a hallmark of the 21st century. We have shifted to wireless solutions by integrating modules like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Several wireless products enter the Chinese market every day. Some are locally manufactured while others are imported from other countries. Whichever the case, all wireless equipment must acquire State Radio Regulatory Commission (SRRC) approval.

All residential and industrial products are included in SRRC type approval. Traditionally, each module of a product has to be certified after testing. However, the modular approval announced two years back, in 2014, allows certifying an application as a product.

Modular approval¾reviewing the changes

It was announced for certification of transmission modules that can’t function on their own. These modules will only work when embedded in non-radio equipment or appliances. The recent changes are divided into two categories according to the application extent of radio transmission modules:

  • Integral non-independent operation
    • Radio-type approval is separately required and the SRRC certificate will only be granted once the modules meet radio relevant and standard requirements.
    • Certificate number, once obtained, should be clearly marked. As a manufacturer, you’re responsible for clarifying complete usage details in the manual and for regulation compliance for final usage.
    • Mark this on the label or user manual of these modules:
    • “This product has SRRC approved Radio modular whose CMIIT ID is XXXXYYZZZZ”

  • Limited non-independent operation
    • You can apply for SRRC type approval separately for these modules. Again, it should meet radio and technical requirements.
    • In the label, ‘M’ mark must be included with the CMIIT number. In the manual, indicate usage in detail and declare:
    • “Modular approval does not mean end product can meet radio management regulation or standard. End product manufacturer is responsible to the technical compliance of standard and regulation for final using”.
    • End product manufacturers should separately apply for SRRC approval. If already approved, only relevant emission tests will be necessary. After approval, mark the CMIIT ID. The certificate will state modular approval number too.
    • If limited, non-independent modules are exchanged or added to an end product, it becomes necessary to re-apply for the certificate. The modular number will be updated in the end product certificate after testing and approval.
    • Series models for limited, non-independent operation can apply for a single certificate. When approved, the number is valid for all models in a series.
    • End products which have both limited and integral non-independent operation modules, must apply for a new certificate. There is one retesting required if it has been approved for integral operation.

Whether your end products have integral or limited modules, there are experienced service providers who can help you meet the regulations. G&M Compliance is one such service that excels in providing product safety design guidance and evaluation support for SRRC certification. Contact them today for more information.